Cousins Fencing and Gate services
Here at cousins fencing we pride ourselves on quality workmanship, quality materials and jobs delivered within the agreed timescale.
We work with individuals, companies, councils, sports clubs and civils. We also subcontract to larger infrastructure companies. Our director still regularly works on the tools, and has over 30 years experience in commercial, security, agricultural and domestic fencing and gates.
We are here to listen and give advice and guidance to our customers when asked and where needed.
We are based centrally in the East Midlands enabling us to provide a national service. Our yard and office is also our home so we are able to respond quickly to your inquiries and emergencies even at unsociable times.
- Commercial Fencing
- Palisades Security Fencing
- V-Mesh
- Weld-Mesh
- Closeboard Fencing
- Concrete post and panel
- Post and Rail Fencing
- Stock Netting
- Bespoke Gates
- Secure Compounds

Domestic Fencing
We offer free quotes for domestic fencing, no job too large or small.
Agricultural Fencing
20 years experience in agricultural and commercial fencing.
Commercial Fencing
We offer all types of commercial fencing, please get in touch for details.
- Domestic Fencing
- Closeboard Fencing
- Picket Fencing
- Concrete post and panel
- Commercial Fencing
- Post and Rail Fencing
- Agricultural Fencing
- Palisades Security Fencing
- V-Mesh & Weld-Mesh
- Bespoke Gates
Coverage Area
- Leicester
- Nottingham
- Derby
- Northampton
- Peterborough
- Birmingham
Get in touch
Cousins Fencing Ltd
Blackbrook Cottage
Ashby Rd W, Belton, Shepshed,
Loughborough LE12 9TJ
Registered in England & Wales
VAT Reg No. 395 3429 64
T: 01509 505 237
M: 07783 049 999